To begin your yoga practice, you need very little in the way of supplies! That said, it’s much easier and more fun if you invest in a few things. These are a few of my favorites.
- Geeky yoga mat
The Mandruka “welcome” yoga mat is my favorite geeky yoga mat. Of course you’ll notice there is no picture of Darth Vader or anything – its geekiness comes from the fact that in addition to be nicely squishy and sticky, it’s educational. There’s a line running down the middle lengthwise so that you can tell exactly where your feet should go. What could be geekier than being adequately informed?! One place to buy:
2. Yoga blocks
Yoga blocks are easy to find, cheap, and great for anyone trying out new poses. Can’t quite put your fingers, leg, head, etc. to the floor yet? Put in a block. They are firm enough to support you and give you just a bit of a lift, but also soft enough that you can lean on them comfortably. I like these, but any will do:
3. Cool geeky yoga layers to wear
The longer you practice yoga in one sitting, the warmer you’ll get. Dress in layers, starting with yoga pants (I like capris) and your favorite comfy fandom t-shirt (or maybe a tank top). My favorite shirt on top of all that is:
Simply because it’s impossible not to smile at this pun. At this point it’s available at:
If it’s chilly out, a hoodie works well on top of your shirt. I bought my favorite hoodie after seeing the fabulous musical Hamilton, giving me warm fuzzy feelings of many kinds. As of now it’s available here:
4. Fun geeky yoga merch
My sister gave this to me for Christmas and it’s my favorite – if in vino veritas, definitely in coffee mug veritas. She knows me well. If you ever need a reason to get that mat out, your coffee and tea will remind you this is the best one. Available here: