Visualize, don’t dissociate. Or maybe: diagram, don’t dissociate. But that latter one sounds like an office slogan. In any case, that’s what I’m trying to do. Things are stressful and have been for a long time. So it goes, right? But I’m not sure I’m dealing with it altogether well. Something is broken. Jagged. Foggy….
We are all Agatha: Practicing Dark Magic Too Soon as a Species
Caution: Contains spoilers for “WandaVision” Episode 8 Do we know too much? Can a person know too much? I think maybe. After all: Banning books = bad. But: Showing inappropriate material to young people = bad. Right? And yet these things are kind of mutually exclusive. Lest we think we are for totally free flowing…
Our days in the dreamy Nexus of quarantine
Most of the time these days, in the COVID-19 quarantine, I feel pretty much like this: …Dreamily staring at plants. Of course I am pretty sure I didn’t just snap away half the universe… but in a way, it does feel like half of the universe is gone – or at least, changed. Of course,…
Is your mental AR up to date? And safe from hackers?
Who is augmenting reality out there? Iron Man is using it to fight bad guys. Eve uses to tell that the plant in Wall-E’s adorable outstretched hands means it’s time to summon a spaceship. Rocket uses to locate people who have a bounty on their heads. We use it out here in the “real world,”…
The Top Plants of Fandom
Plants are such a happy little weird phenomenon – especially plants in pots. They are like little green alien visitors that we hardly understand from another, better, more beautiful world – except that it’s our own world too. (Except for Audrey II, which is super cool but but is none of those things except alien….
Practice a cat’s poise in Cat Pose
Cats are uniquely intriguing creatures. Dignified yet unabashedly comfortable, curious but tentative. Their delightful poise seems almost alien in its appeal, which is perhaps why there are some truly fabulous cats in fandom. In Cat pose, we can embody those traits. Arch your back way up and look down to the ground, a lovely flat…
You, twisted: Getting to Know your Nemesis
Who’s your perfect nemesis? Or conversely, whose perfect nemesis are you? It’s a question we might do well to ponder on both personal and an artistic levels – to understand ourselves as well as to understand what makes for great, relatable narrative. Our perfect nemeses aren’t necessarily the Big Bads in our lives – the…
Fandom’s best, bravest “Joie De Vivre”
“Joie de vivre” is such a funny, fascinating little phrase. The not-quite-so-fancy English translation is “joy of living.” But in any language, how strange it is to think of being joyful solely for living – not for lattes or tacos or sleeping late. How especially strange it is to be joyful when life can often…
Wizards, mutants, and witches agree: All you need is love
The answer is: Love!! Such a climax is bound to result in more than a few eyerolls. After all, we’ve seen it so many times. In Frozen, Elsa can control her powers through love! In Beauty and the Beast, Belle restores the Beast’s health and humanity through love! Even outside the cheesiness of Disney, in…
The Meditation Styles of Fandom – Which do you have?
Meditation is by no means exclusive to our reality. The heroes and villains of fandom know the value of a good meditation session for kinds of purposes… including plotting, deducing, and rejuvenating. And then there’s the Doctor… who is perhaps slightly *less* effective when it comes to NOT using his meditation time for well-digging and…