Constellation Flow
Recently I went to a planetarium show about the constellations and it was so beautiful! I love how they so predictably come and go from our sight – and how we share that sight with generations of humans going back thousands of years. Here’s a yoga flow to remember and embody the annual progression of…
My Musical Autobiographical Yoga Flow
Musicals have always been an enormous part of my life – so why not do a yoga flow that shows how my favorite musicals have influenced me? (Check it out below) A brief explanation in case the meaning is not *completely* obvious to people who are not me: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: This…
Doctor Who Regeneration Flow
This lovely flow feels like you are regenerating with every pose – that’s because with hardly any movement, you completely switch your perspective. Start in Revolved Side Angle and then just bend upwards to suddenly be in a standing Revolved Lunge. Flip to the other side and you’re in Warrior II. Bend down to Triangle…
Princess Leia Warrior Flow
Take this flow of poses when you want to embody the spirit of the princess and general who inspires us all…
Doctor Who Sun Salutation
Setting: Your corner of time and space Sound: the Doctor Who theme song Props: Sonic screwdriver to hold high, Jelly babies to give to passersby After you are settled into the mind of a Time Lord, follow along through the poses below… pausing whenever you like, since this flow is timey wimey wibbly wobbly…. Mountain…