Light is mind-boggling. On one level it’s the simplest stimuli we have available to us, the first thing we notice when we are born. On another, it is infinitely complex. Light is an interaction of electric and magnetic fields across space – only a tiny fraction of which is visible to us. It enters our eyes and brain and undergoes biological processes that translate it into complex meanings, second by second every day. It is a powerful interface between us and the rest of the universe – electromagnetic fields interact with our bodies (like when you get a sunburn), just as our bodies create their own electromagnetic fields. Our bodies are an electric field, using electric fields to intra-communicate.
If ever we doubted that there is more on heaven and earth than is dreamed of in our philosophy, the simple phenomenon of light should put that to rest.
Besides science and our senses, we can start to comprehend all this through words. And English has some simply lovely long words to start to describe light. Here are a few of them with quotes showing them in action.